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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

KOLKATA …..april to may 2009

at Victoria Memorial  Park, Kolkata, India - April 19, 2009...

My original placement was supposed to be in Kolkata hence my language training was Bengali. However, the NGO was perhaps not too keen on getting one International Volunteer or maybe not ready yet to move forward…..thus , as expected, my first day in Kolkata was sort of a “trauma." Actually, I have already foreseen this event to happen---sort of using my ESP - 6th sense…but VSO declined some concerns I have raised prior to my travel from New Delhi to Kolkata – maybe they thought I am rebellious ???

When I arrived Kolkata at around 2pm, I was brought straight to my NGO’s Office – was told to wait for about 2 hours, and observed them to be in chaos, I sensed something – and presto!!!there was no house ready for my accommodation – nothing prepared for my personal requirements. At 5pm, they brought me to a place which I immediately rejected citing to them the requirements and conditions of accommodation --- unsafe place to live-- and the day is running short - the sun bidding good bye. A stranger in this place is no joke - so I ran to Judith Williams, co-volunteer from the USA where I took refuge and spent the night in her flat---although reluctant to accept me as she also has some concerns in her accommodation – however , I insisted. As the two of us have no way to connect to our Home Office in New Delhi – cleverness and persuasion is the name of the game for us foreigners to buy our mobile sim card and get immediate approval ---lucky for us, that one Airtel shop --- considered our application. Normally, it will take 3 to 7 days .for a foreigner to buy a mobile sim card especially if you have no residence permit –strictness? the reason they said was due to Mumbai bombing.

This is an acid test to your decision – making , planning , composure and all related to your KSAs – knowledge, skills and abilities. Otherwise, you may think of  giving up your target OBJECTIVES why you accepted to be a Volunteer.

With what happened to me, I am happy that policies and procedures of VSO India regarding Accommodation was improved and made sure that I was part of the team when asked to review, update and do some revisions.

While waiting for my new NGO - I enjoyed Kolkata for a month- visited some places of interests, visited my co-volunteers’ placement offices and met their Directors, as well as visited their flats. I was  invited  to watch a stage play at  Kolkata's Academy of Fine Artds, with the Director of one NGO as the leading performer.  Of course a must see place is  Victoria Memorial. I had fun swimming too   Gone to their malls and made sure have not missed their famous Park Street - especially attractive at night— best place where we can feel and see western style and a taste of various non-indian food – mcdonald, kfc, coffee shops and ice cram parlors. But you can also go to various places of Kolkata where you find market stalls for bargain items and see them around as the sunsets – you see them blossoming and sprouting like mushrooms - and lights flickering -- inviting people to buy their products. Huge crowd will cause the traffic jam. I have frequented the Gariahat Market since this is the market near my guest house where I stayed for two weeks. I used to frequent PANTALOONS Department Store, my favorite store …it’s like the smallest SM Department Store located in Quiapo, Manila, Philippines. This department store is already like heaven to me…. Usually hanged out in their small food court where I usually get my simple cake and favorite soft drink – coke.

                                          Inside Pantaloons Department Store.. the modern shopping store

They described Kolkata as the old city and will always be a busy place to live. For me Kolkata is like a big Divisoria of the Philippines – Divisoria is a huge marketplace where you can buy anything – at very cheap prices – and you can be swallowed up by the crowd. This is our place where businessmen get their merchandise from wholesalers. So what do you expect? If you go shopping and bargain for  the cheapest merchandise- the place  is somewhat untidy – hot when it’s summer , wet and muddy during rainy day. But you can also go to their air conditioned department / grocery stores like Pantaloons.

Kolkata bus

Indian taxi...
The TRAM...
In Kolkata, I am fascinated by their mode of transportation which is dominated by old buses, taxis and trams. This tram still exists – keeps on running on specific route even with less passengers around. I remember a toy train – it keeps on running when you press the button following a rail track , then go back and forth. There is also the auto rickshaw, somewhat similar to the “tuktuk” of Thailand - but Thailand’s tuktuks are clean!!!! Well, there is also the human rickshaw - which according to them are already banned by the government - but still existing --- running within the secondary road – I think you cannot blame these poor people used to pull the rickshaw instead of horses - --- their purpose is to earn a living.


When we talk of cleanliness, I think , most part of India and not only Kolkata needs the kind of Imelda Marcos’project ….Green Revolution in the 70’s. Maybe my  father's  innovations  how to implement  cleanliness in our hometown.  He being the townmayor was considered as  effective  implementor of cleanliness . His “CLEAN AND GREEN PROJECT” in Cajidiocan, Sibuyan Island, Romblon, Philippines - in the early 50’s  up to the  70's  was  worth remembering. Maybe they need “think tanks” of Singapore or the Prime Minister of Thailand or implementation of Japan’s 5 S Program or the very simple Cost Reduction Program - where waste materials are given great thoughts – what to do with them – and the benefits from garbage materials.

With my experience, we sometimes incorporate all of these techniques – to be more effective . There was a time that Japan’s 5S Program worked effectively in our big organization – a glass manufacturing company by prompting everybody’s participation through Quality Circles. It also worked in a corporate setting, a multinational company where we launched this 5s Program and enjoined everyone to actively participate and instill in their minds the essence of cleanliness. Being organized , cleanliness and clutter-free begins from your backyard, thus, organizing personal things in the office – getting rid of your clutter, daily garbage, how will it affect your work efficiency , paper wastages – eventually reduce cost and you save. I look forward to seeing India as part of the honor roll in cleanliness - teamwork is the name of the game. It usually starts from your own backyard or from your own working environment , then actively participate to influence your neighborhood.

I strongly believe we cannot totally put the blame to the government, it is us who makes our own world running- be involved and courageous to speak up – being PROACTIVE is somewhat one complicated thing that everyone has to learn.
The Kolkata traffic policemen...


I have not really felt the seriousness of this problem in Kolkata….maybe because, almost everyone owns a power generator.

But I have already experienced the on and off power supply when I was in the guest house provided by my organization.Suddenly the bellboy would knock on your door telling you not to use your airconditioning unit and instead use the ceiling fan, shouting like..." madam , AC nahi!!!!! ".... But there was no such thing as using a candle at night.

And while I was staying in a condominium unit with 2 co-volunteers, it seems the impact of power off is still not felt…not yet…have not pierced my senses. Maybe because it was not summertime and how often ….never bothered because there is less number of power cut offs in a day in Kolkata, i thought ...because of the power generator.

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