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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

HELP!!!!!???? --- inspired by " The Beatles"

This is one of the songs appropriate for  Volunteers overseas...very meaningful.


Yes!! the word HELP has been overused by almost  all of us  including international volunteers. I agree with Peter Woolf of VSO UK...quoting him....
Peter Woolf
By Peter Woolf: November 8th, 2010
"We’ve racked our brains and come up with the following list of Top 10 songs that sum up the volunteer experience or songs that should be on any volunteers ipod."
 I agree with you!!! your   suggested list of songs were really appropriate for us...different moods every hour of the day, every day of the week, every week of the month and every month of the year until we finish our tasks helping  and sharing our knowledge and learning  from everyone we meet  and  encounter  while we cross   this special road we have chosen.
I have LEARNED  that when i give HELP to  anyone including  a co-volunteer--- never expect  them  to be grateful, otherwise, you get frustrated.

.... to be continued.....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tastes of Ranchi, India

I  had  the grand time touring Ranchi's Bharwan Birsa Biological  Park  which is about 18 kilometers away from the city proper. Maybe you will need  more or less three hours to see the entire park. It's not a mere park but  another forest of India where different kinds of trees  and wild animals considered as endangered species can be found.  Along the way, sights of spiders are awesome silently weaving their webs. Proper maintenance and cleanliness of the of the park  was very noticeable. I observed here in Ranchi  that the Jharkhand government gives importance in the  maintenance of   their forest parks aside from their military camps.

Many thanks to the family of  Harsh ( Indian national ), married to  Precious ( a Filipina) who  were  very accommodating "special tourist guides" with their  smart 2-year old daughter Nathania nicknamed Ania.

this tree guide is telling us which way to go....

In this photo are: me, Maribel, Precious and her daughter Ania.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Just want to be myself.........

 Ranchi, India- October 25,2010,
While im on my ISOLATION and IMMERSION period......alone... 
              ....suddenly  would  just  love to hear these songs....
             .....and  collected some inspiring quotes to uplift my spirits....
 "The only way to get what you really want, is to know what you really want. And the only way to know what you really want, is to know yourself. And the only way to know yourself, is to be yourself. And the only way to be yourself is to listen to your heart." - Mike Dooley 

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, I believe I  can start from now and make a brand new successful  and happy ending."
               -----Author Unknown

 "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." 
               ----Walt Disney 

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” 
              -----Winston Churchill


Orchha, Madhya Pradesh Escapades


Purpose of Visit:  Attended  a 3-day VSO Conference and at the same time got the chance to see Jahanjir Mahal or the King's Palace , one of the tourists attractions of   Orchha, Madhya Pradesh .and enjoyed the sight of beautiful riverside  of  the River Betwa surrounded by forests. I have also   visited the town's  market place.

The conference was  about monitoring and evaluation and  VSO India's strategy  and  way of working  on  major development issues in India  - the challenges and strategies to adopt.

I am also very fortunate to have visited The King's Palace or  Jahanjir Mahal. The King's Palace is an example of  harmonized and organized execution of medieval Indo-Islamic architecture and what attracted me  most was one of the building designs -  the series of elephant brackets at regular intervals-  i found these  ancient designs  awesome and very unique.

Orchha - upon reaching this place,  what was very noticeable was  its cleanliness. I have considered this place as a clean , quiet and refreshing place to stay. This small village of Madhya Pradesh  is situated  in the forests away from the main traffic   and other busy places  of India. I have learned that the meaning of the place, Orchha is ‘a hidden place’ which I totally agree. The road going to this village can be compared to my travel going to Tagaytay City of my own country,  Philippines.

During my stay at Bundlekhand Riverside Hotel, situated  beside  the riverbank of  the River Betwa of Orchha, I have  experienced total  serenity  and relaxed  feeling especially at night. I also found this place very romantic.

Bundlekhand Riverside  Hotel

hote's lobby...
hotel's entrance...
hotel  rooms...
hotel's rooftop...

hotel's rooftop...

the serenity you can feel at night....

the garden has enough space to accommodate  parties  and  play badminton  as well....

my hotel room overlooking the riverside...
The King's Palace of Orchha (Jahanjir Mahal)...

forests surrounding the tiny village of Orchha....

finally we 've reached the top of  King's Palace...